Kickoff Meeting

The Kickoff Meeting has been organized by all the Partners Schools and held at the venue of the Coordinator School, in Villafrati (Italy), carrying out an opportune advertising campaign through different dissemination activities via web and social media channels, and local press, and a web-streaming, some posts and tweets to involve Persons attending the event remotely from the Partner Schools.

The event’s program has been articulated as follows:
– the welcome and greetings of the Head Teacher of the Project Coordinator,
– the institutional greetings of the Councillor for Education and Training of the Regional Administration of Sicily,
– the greetings of the Mayors of local Municipalities,
– the contribution of the Scientific Director of the Museum of Spartenze, Villafrati,
– the Project Coordinator presentation of the TALKSCAPES Project,
– the multimedia presentations illustrated by Directors and Teachers of each Partner School, focusing on their own School’s historical and institutional profile, relevant socio-cultural and territorial contexts, and some landscape case study and their intrinsic socio-cultural values,
– some “open perspectives” on the TALKSCAPES Project and its implementation path, by illustrating a “road map” towards next activities and mobilities.

The Meeting has represented undoubtedly an important opportunity to:
– enrich both the Coordinator School educational calendar and those ones of all Partner Schools, in terms of cultural exchange and educational purposes,
– present the ongoing TALKSCAPES Project to a wide public and many Representatives of local institutions,
– discover together some contexts within the territory of the Coordinator School, such as the Castle of Cefalà Diana, the Roman and Arab Baths of Cefalà Diana, and the Historical Center of Palermo,
– define the methodological and technological guidelines to implement the TALKSCAPES web platform.

The Kickoff Meeting has offered the first occasion to present the ongoing TALKSCAPES Project to its growing Community and a wide public, and furthermore to many representatives of local Institutions.

For all the participating Head Teachers and Teachers, the Meeting have allowed to meet firstly all other Colleagues and the Students of the Coordinator School, and start to establish new institutional, professional and human relationships.

The event has represented a first milestone for the TALKSCAPES Project implementation, given that the Project Team and the Teachers referents for each partner School have been illustrated their own educational, socio-cultural, territorial and landscape context to the other Colleagues and referents, public and other local Institutions.


During the Kickoff Meeeting the Teacher contact person of the Project Coordinator School illustrated the TALKSCAPES Project, its primary items, its timeline, its socio-cultural themes and purposes, its Project Community and its expected results. Furthermore, the presentation shows the open perspectives on the TALKSCAPES Project implementation.


These multimedia presentations, illustrated during the Kickoff Meeting by Directors and Teachers of each Partner School, show each partner School’s historical and institutional profile, relevant socio-cultural and territorial contexts, and some landscape case studies and their intrinsic socio-cultural values.


Theme: Overlay by Kaira